On day nine I learned yet again that I cannot drink the way I used to. I also learned that the DVF is self-cleaning! It was sort of inevitable that on a night where I looked like this (see above), I would drop a huge nacho glob on my lap. I've already extolled many of the virtues of the viscose/polyamide blend (wrinkles fall out easily, it doesn't slip once you've wrapped it) but it turns out that if you let a food stain dry, you can just sort of pick it off with your fingernails! It looked like this for a few hours:
But today the stain is totally gone! Unfortunately, the dress is not impervious to b.o. I've been wearing the DVF for nine days now, and I'm not sure I can go another 21 without getting it cleaned. Febreze can take me only so far.
I think the nachos stain kind of looks like jesus. What will you wear while you're getting it cleaned? Maybe you need to get a second DVF as a backup.